Archivos Mensuales: junio 2013

Genealogía de México 32155 Contrata un genealogista: Para comenzar a buscar los datos necesarios que necesit as para elaborar tu propio árbol genealógico, lo único que necesitamos es conocer los datos de tu Hoja de Registro de Grupo Familiar. Partiendo de la información evaluaremos la viabilidad de acetar la investigación


Para comenzar a buscar los datos necesarios que necesitas para elaborar tu propio árbol genealógico, lo único que necesitamos es conocer los datos de tu Hoja de Registro de Grupo Familiar. Partiendo de la información evaluaremos la viabilidad de acetar la investigación

Investigamos en todos los archivos, buscando sus generaciones anteriores hasta donde las fuentes documentales lo permitan..Big_Pic.png

Si bien en principio, es posible remontarse en 6 generaciones, el que la investigación llegue a buen fin dependerá de la existencia de archivos, del buen estado de conservación de los mismos, de que el dato solicitado conste en los archivos, de que las instituciones públicas y privadas donde se guardan los archivos colaboren, que usualmente es positiva la respuesta.

La investigación puede realizarse buscando los datos del primer apellido, es decir, árbol genealógico por vía paterna, o buscando los datos del segundo apellido, es decir, árbol genealógico por vía materna, o ambos a elegir por el cliente.

El tiempo que se tarda en obtener la información necesaria para elaborar un árbol genealógico es muy variable, normalmente 3 ó 4 meses.

La investigación se realiza en todo el territorio nacional y el extranjero.

El precio mensual de la investigación de un árbol genealógico por vía PATERNA (primer apellido del interesado) es de $2000.00 MN por mes. (Compromiso mínimo de 3 meses)

El precio mensual de la investigación de un árbol genealógico por vía MATERNA (segundo apellido del interesado) es de $2000.00 MN por mes. (Compromiso mínimo de 3 meses)

En ambos casos incluye, una lámina (21 x 30 cms.) impresa en cartulina simulando pergamino, lista para enmarcar (como la del ejemplo) en la que aparece su árbol genealógico, así como la documentación oficial que demuestra la autenticidad de los datos aportados.

Forma de Pago PAYPAL o deposito bancario

Genealogía de México 32154 Legacy is FamilySearch Family Tree Certified, PLUS register for Webinar Wednesday


Legacy is FamilySearch Family Tree Certified, PLUS register for Webinar Wednesday

Legacy Family Tree receives Tree Share Certification from FamilySearch

FsWe are pleased to announce that our Legacy Family Tree software has received "Tree Share" certification from FamilySearch, and is now the only genealogy software to be both FamilySearch Family Tree certified and include built-in Research Guidance to help researchers continue their efforts even beyond FamilySearch.

What is FamilySearch Family Tree?

FamilySearch Family Tree is the latest offering from FamilySearch which helps researchers to publish and share their genealogical…

Genealogía de México 32153 Chetumal: Conf. Dr. Juan Manuel Espinosa, «Newton y el Santo Oficio Novohispano» Casa de la Cultura de Chetumal 28 de junio de 2013, 19.00 horas


Conf. Dr. Juan Manuel Espinosa, "Newton y el Santo Oficio Novohispano"
Casa de la Cultura de Chetumal
28 de junio de 2013, 19.00 horas

Genealogía de México 32152 de Saldivar-Cortez-Moctezuma y Altamirano


Francisca De Miranda Y Escobar, «Mexico, Marriages, 1570-1950»

Name: Cristoval De Saldival Castilla Y Altamirano
Birth Date:
Spouse’s Name: Francisca De Miranda Y Escobar
Spouse’s Birth Date:
Spouse’s Birthplace:
Spouse’s Age:
Event Date: 09 Oct 1644
Event Place: Asuncion, Mexico, Distrito Federal, Mexico
Father’s Name:
Mother’s Name:
Spouse’s Father’s Name:
Spouse’s Mother’s Name:
Marital Status:
Previous Wife’s Name:
Spouse’s Race:
Spouse’s Marital Status:
Spouse’s Previous Husband’s Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M61964-7
System Origin: Mexico-VR
GS Film number: 35267
Reference ID: 2:2BKZB6G

Genealogía de México 32149 Personal Ancestral File sera descontinuado


Personal Ancestral File (PAF) is Discontinued

June 20, 2013 By David Pugmire

Beginning July 15, 2013, PAF will be retired and will no longer be available for download or support. PAF users should consider alternative products to meet their ongoing personal genealogy management needs.

For full details and for information on alternative products, please visit

A great new opportunity

PAF began in 1984, has had over 3.2 million copies distributed, and has fulfilled a great purpose for the world. At the same time that we give a big “Thank You!” and “Goodbye” to PAF, we are excited to embrace what the future holds!

For the last several years, FamilySearch has focused on building relationships with partner organizations to deliver better overall services to the market. This has facilitated better patron experiences with FamilySearch and the partner products. FamilySearch recently introduced the Family Tree to all users in multiple languages. Family Tree provides the capability for patrons to manage and share their family history information online at Each of our partners’ products support connectivity with the Family Tree. FamilySearch is committed to strong partner relationships that enable more quality, choices, collaboration, and availability of records. We encourage our patrons to use the products provided by these partners.

FamilySearch has worked hard to offer upgrades to all PAF users through partners that have produced significantly better alternatives to PAF. Please visit for details, and get started with your upgrade today!

Guidelines for patrons

When working with ward members, please encourage them to visit, and help them get started in migrating to one of the recommended products. It is appropriate and encouraged to host events or train patrons on how to migrate to the various products, discuss the advantages, and allow them to make their own choices. When using church buildings and resources for these activities, please remember not to solicit sales or exclusively promote only a specific product to patrons, because we must maintain a neutral position while providing informative guidance to them. Also, third parties must abide by these guidelines if their employees or representatives are invited to participate in the activities in person or by phone or web conference.

Significant investment has been made to bring FamilySearch-certified products developed by partners to our patrons, and your help in moving patrons forward on a journey inclusive of our full offering of third-party solutions, within appropriate bounds, is much appreciated. For the full story, see the main FamilySearch blog.

Genealogía de México 32148 Curso de heráldica: Emblemática trasatlántica. Concesiones y certificaciones d e armas españolas en la Nueva España (los materiales de Puebla). Biblioteca Lafragua de la Benemérita Universidad Aut ónoma de Puebla 19 al 24 de agosto de 2013


Curso de heráldica: Emblemática trasatlántica. Concesiones y certificaciones de armas españolas en la Nueva España (los materiales de Puebla).
Biblioteca Lafragua de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
19 al 24 de agosto de 2013