Archivos Mensuales: agosto 2021 36000 1 x 1 Country size comparison // Comparacion de paises en tamano real


La lectura cura la peor de las enfermedades humanas, "la ignorancia".

1 x! Country size comparison – Images are self-explanatory

Comparacion de paises en tamano real

3261 Kms separan estos dos puntos en Mexico

3149 Kms separan estos dos puntos en Europa

Con esto te das una idea del tamano de Mexico al compararlo con Europa

Hacer un road trip es el sueño de todo viajero, pues se puede llegar a muchos más lugares por tierra que por aire. Emprender un viaje en coche no solo se trata de llegar al destino y empezar a disfrutar una vez ahí, como sucede con el avión. Por el contrario, si se trata de manejar, las carreteras brindan la oportunidad de gozar el camino: paisajes cambiantes, paradas improvisadas en poblados que llaman la atención y muchas horas de convivencia.

Road trips

Mientras que en México podemos recorrer miles de kilómetros sin cruzar fronteras, en Europa la realidad es otra. Al conformarse por países pequeños, uno puede visitar una gran parte del viejo continente en poco tiempo y eso convierte a nuestro país en uno de los más grandes del mundo.

México vs. Europa

Lo primero que hay que hacer es mirar un mapa de Europa y de México. Para resaltar la diferencia de tamaño, el mexicano Isauro López diseñó un mapa de México donde se compara su superficie con la de los países europeos. El resultado es asombroso, puesto que en los 1.946 millones de kilómetros cuadrados del país caben, superpuestos, 24 de los 49 países que conforman el continente europeo.

Lo anterior explica que en México los road trips sean nacionales y en Europa, internacionales. Con esto en mente, comparamos la longitud de algunas de las rutas que unen las ciudades más visitadas en ambos lados del mundo.

Ciudad de México-Guanajuato equivale a recorrer Berlín-Praga (400 km)

Guadalajara-Monterrey es similar a viajar de París-Milán (790 km)

Mazatlán-Oaxaca se compara con la ruta Ámsterdam-Budapest (1,479 km)

Tijuana-La Paz dura casi lo mismo que Londres-Viena (1,480 km)

Ensenada-Playa del Carmen es parecido a recorrer Lisboa-Moscú (4,450 km)

Los presentes gobernantes del país no tienen la menor idea de lo que representa México en el mundo ni cómo se compara en tamaño y recursos.

+ Videos / 35999 The Top 10 Pyramids in Mexico


If you want to see pyramids, go see these ! not the plywood mini Disneyesque pyramid for political propaganda of a failing administration diverting attention from their dismal record of failures.

(there are hundreds more)

The Top 10 Pyramids in Mexico

The Pyramid of the Niches in El Tajin was likely used to track the days of the year.

Follow in the footsteps of Toltecs, Zapotecs, Mexica, and Maya at these 10 pyramids across Mexico.

Mexico’s pre-Columbian civilizations can be hard to keep straight, but they shared a few common traits. Most of their archaeological sites include ball courts, they considered corn an essential crop, and they all built pyramids.

Their handiwork can now be found throughout Mexico, offering a window into the country’s ancient past. Read on for everything you need to know about Mexico’s famous pyramids, including 10 of the most spectacular, culturally important ones in the country.

How many pyramids are there in Mexico?

The short answer is: Nobody knows. Sadly, the pyramids in the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán are long gone, but dozens of others across Mexico still stand.

Who built the pyramids in Mexico?

Pre-Columbian cultures like the Olmecs, Mixtecs, Toltecs, Zapotecs, Aztecs (or Mexica), and Maya created these impressive structures. For the most part, each civilization had a specific building style, though they all used materials like clay, stone, and mortar.

How old are the pyramids in Mexico?

The most significant pyramids were constructed over roughly two millennia, from around 900 B.C.E. to about 1000 C.E.

Where are the best pyramids in Mexico?

Several top pyramids are located along Mexico’s eastern coast. Others are clustered inland, around Mexico City and farther south in Oaxaca. Find 10 of our favorites this Google map (pictured below), then keep reading for even more info.

Map of the top 10 pyramids in Mexico to visit.
From Google Maps
Map of the top 10 pyramids in Mexico to visit.

1. La Iglesia and El Castillo, Coba

La Iglesia is one of two impressive pyramids in the Maya city of Coba.
Photo by Matyas Rehak/Shutterstock
La Iglesia is one of two impressive pyramids in the Maya city of Coba.

The ancient Maya city of Coba, which peaked between 800 and 1100 C.E., is home to two impressive pyramids—the Iglesia and the Castillo (the second largest pyramid on the Yucatán peninsula). Half-ruined and covered in plants, both structures look as if they’ve recently been unearthed, creating a mysterious, almost magical atmosphere.

How to Get There: Coba is just over two hours by car from Cancún and 45 minutes from Tulum. If you’d rather not drive, many tour operators offer excursions.

2. Castillo de Kukulcán, Chichén Itzá

The Maya city of Chichén Itzá centers around the Castillo de Kukulcán pyramid.
Photo by Iren Key/Shutterstock
The Maya city of Chichén Itzá centers around the Castillo de Kukulcán pyramid.

The Castillo de Kukulcán, with its nine stepped platforms, is the centerpiece of Chichén Itzá, a Maya city that flourished from around 700 to 900 C.E. The pyramid functioned as an enormous calendar and was designed so that, on the equinoxes, the play of sunlight and shadow would create the illusion of a snake descending to earth. While visitors are no longer allowed to climb the steps or access the Temple of Kukulcán at the top of the pyramid, they can tour other ball courts, temples, and palaces throughout Chichén Itzá.

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How to Get There: Given that it’s halfway between Cancún and Mérida, this UNESCO World Heritage site is often crowded with tourists and vendors. The plus is that you can experience Chichén Itzá as it was during its peak—a bustling city.

3. Pyramid of the Magician, Uxmal

The pyramids at Uxmal were built in the decorative Puuc style.
Photo by Jakub Zaljic/Shutterstock
The pyramids at Uxmal were built in the decorative Puuc style.

The Maya were never centralized in one capital, as were the Aztecs and the Toltecs. Instead, the civilization resembled ancient Greece, with competing, independent city-states that shared a language and religious beliefs even as they developed different styles of architecture and their own distinct characters. The contrast between Chichén Itzá and Uxmal is impossible to miss. The structures at Uxmal, including the Pyramid of the Magician, were built in the Puuc style, with highly stylized motifs and a decorative richness not typical of other Maya cities.

How to Get There: A drive of about 70 minutes, on two well-maintained highways, will take you from modern Mérida to ancient Uxmal.

4. Pyramid of the Inscriptions, Palenque

The Pyramid of the Inscriptions at Palenque is covered in Maya hieroglyphs.
Photo by Anton Ivanov/Shutterstock
The Pyramid of the Inscriptions at Palenque is covered in Maya hieroglyphs.

The buildings at Palenque, in the state of Chiapas, are impressive less for their size than for the elegance of their design. The 89-foot-high Pyramid of the Inscriptions is topped by a temple with piers covered in Maya hieroglyphs—hence the “inscriptions” in its name. Archaeologists estimate that only 10 percent of Palenque has been excavated and other wonders are surely waiting to be unearthed.

How to Get There: With the opening of the Palenque airport in 2014, it’s become easy to visit this once remote site. Interjet offers twice-weekly flights (on Wednesdays and Saturdays) from Mexico City.

5. Great Pyramid of La Venta

Located in the state of Tabasco, La Venta is home to Mexico’s oldest known pyramid, built around 900 B.C.E. The structure isn’t particularly tall at 100 feet and, since it was built of clay instead of stone, its original rectangular shape has been softened by the ages, making it appear more like a rounded hill. Still, it’s fascinating to behold, as is the sophisticated urban planning of La Venta, which served as a forerunner to Teotihuacan, Tula, and other ancient capitals.

How to Get There: You have to work to visit La Venta. The site is located in a wet, humid corner of Mexico about 90 minutes by car from Villahermosa, which is already off the beaten path. Bring insect repellent.

6. Monte Albán Pyramids

Monte Albán served as the capital of the Zapotec civilization for more than a millennium.
Photo by Jakub Zaljic/Shutterstock
Monte Albán served as the capital of the Zapotec civilization for more than a millennium.

Situated along the Pacific, the state of Oaxaca was, and still is, the center of the Zapotec people. Monte Albán served as the capital for more than a millennium, from around 500 B.C.E. to 800 C.E., and traded frequently with Teotihuacán—another Mesoamerican city with a similarly large ceremonial center. Today, visitors can explore the site’s “truncated” pyramids, which look like raised platforms topped by temples, as well as several famous tombs and stone carvings.

How to Get There: Sitting five miles from the city center of Oaxaca, Monte Albán is easy to reach by bus or taxi.

7. Pyramid of the Niches, El Tajin

In the state of Veracruz, El Tajin is one of the most important sites from the so-called epiclassic (or late classic) period, dating from around 900 C.E. The city’s residents were avid ballplayers—more than 60 ball courts have been excavated here. You’ll also see one of Mexico’s most unusual buildings, the Pyramid of the Niches. The relatively short pyramid, 59 feet high, consists of six platforms, each lined with carved niches that were most likely used to track the days of the year.

How to Get There: El Tajin is pretty remote, but if your travels take you to Veracruz, it’s a four-hour drive to the site.

8. Great Pyramid of Cholula

The ancient city of Cholula is home to the largest pyramid by volume in the world.
Photo by Diego Grandi/Shutterstock
The ancient city of Cholula is home to the largest pyramid by volume in the world.

The largest pyramid in the world (in terms of volume) is not in Egypt, but outside the city of Puebla. Upon first glance, however, the Great Pyramid of Cholula looks like something else entirely, covered in vegetation and topped with a 16th-century church constructed by the Spanish. Visitors can access some of the restored sections of the pyramid, then explore the nearly five miles of tunnels excavated by archeologists throughout the surrounding ancient city.

How to Get There: Cholula is four miles outside of Puebla, which is famous for its colonial buildings, cuisine, and the recently opened International Museum of the Baroque.

9. Pyramid of the Sun and Pyramid of the Moon, Teotihuacán

The sprawling city of Teotihuacan is dominated by two massive pyramids.
Photo by Alex Couto/Shutterstock
The sprawling city of Teotihuacan is dominated by two massive pyramids.

Teotihuacán, which flourished from roughly 100 B.C.E. to 550 C.E., was one of the most influential cities in Mesoamerica, with a population of nearly 200,000 at its peak. Dominated by the enormous Pyramid of the Sun, the Pyramid of the Moon, and a citadel, which sit along the 2.5-mile-long Avenue of the Dead, the site awed even the Aztecs, who wondered what vanished civilization could have created such a monumental city.

How to Get There: Located an hour north of Mexico City, Teotihuacán is a popular day trip (visit midweek for smaller crowds). Many tours stop en route at the Basilica of Guadalupe for a glimpse into another aspect of Mexican culture.

10. Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl, Tula

The Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl in Tula is topped with imposing statues of Toltec warriors.
Photo by Natalia Lukiyanova/Shutterstock
The Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl in Tula is topped with imposing statues of Toltec warriors.

The Toltecs stepped into the vacuum created by the fall of Teotihuacán, establishing their capital at Tula (or Tollan), which reached its peak between 950 and 1150 C.E. The most impressive structure here is the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl, fronted by a colonnade and topped by imposing, 13-foot-tall statues of Toltec warriors, but you’ll also want to explore the vast ceremonial plaza, the palace, and the ball courts.

How to Get There: Tula is another easy day trip from either Mexico City (roughly 90 minutes by car) or the colonial city of Querétaro (just under 2 hours).

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I could not agree more,…. Well said!

El vie., 13 de agosto de 2021 11:02, Carl Camp <campce> escribió:

Sorry, I do not agree with the writer !
Mexico was not a colony to begin with, it was a viceroyalty with local governments.
The English had colonies on their "empire", Spain had provinces and "reinos" of the same peoples with all citizens integrated as one nation.
This piece sounds like the typical protestant black legend myth again !
Let it be known to all once and for all, Spain as such did not exist as the unit we know today. We were "conquered" in the Spanish meaning of the word (not the English) by a heterogenous group of peoples that came mainly from Castilla, León, Extremadura under the flag of Castilla and that the term Spain was used to include the collective. But the empire included, Castilians, Extremeños, vascos, Andaluces, and every other reino also Germans, Tuscans, Genoese, French, English, Portuguese and even Greeks.
Just read the image

Carlos I de España y V de Alemania, Sacro Emperador Romano
(all kingdoms united under one symbol)

Mexico, as a whole, does not have a problem of identity, it is a politicians tactic for gaining and keeping power over the unschooled diverse populations trying to make a history to suit their agenda. This is not history, it is propaganda. Their target is to keep the Black Legend alive, to discredit anything Spanish.
The so-called Aztecs, they are called Meshica here, blended into society just like everyone else. There is no Aztec group, this name is only used to arouse the ignorant to support vociferous caciques looking for power, like the present one. The worst ever, but that is another story.
The so-called Spanish, created a New World like no other created before or since! An empire so vast that by its sheer size had to include all peoples in its territory to function. It survived for 300 years and created thousands of new cities, initiated global commerce, and founded numerous universities.
Name another that has been so successful !!
Please talk about the positive achievements of the Hispanos not about the fake news message that the Anglo press continues to divulge. Why not write about how the English instigated the breakup of that great empire that was their enemy, and with the help of traitors broke it up at the moment they were waiting for, the invasion of Spain by Napoleon.
Conquerors destroy and loot and then leave, Spain stayed, built modern cities and universities and colonized with its people as well as intermarrying with the locals. Any such English examples? We all know where the American Indians are today…..
In fact, Spaniards are still here, now as Mexicans of Spanish descent, never left and continue to battle the misinformation spewed by the Anglo press.
Any Mexican of 500 year history that reads and thinks would reach the same conclusions.
Do not let yourselves be utilized by corrupt politicians with an agenda change the history to suit his interest. History is as is, not as others want to make it !
The "pyramid" piece received earlier shows how an inept politician tries to re-create a past that is only in his twisted imagination or in his infantile attempt to regain popularity wasting my paid taxes for his benefit. Unless he is planning to resurrect human sacrifices….?

I have one question though: What is the conection of this piece with genealogy?

Reading cures the worst of human diseases "Ignorance"
La impecable educación casera, la esmerada instrucción escolar y la selecta lectura curan la peor de las enfermedades humanas "La Ignorancia"

On Fri, 13 Aug 2021 at 02:00, ‘John Inclan’ via Genealogía de México – Genealogia-Mexico> wrote:

500 years later, Mexico still struggles with ‘uneasy truths’ about the Spanish conquest (


500 years later, Mexico still struggles with ‘uneasy truths’ about the S…

On the 500th anniversary of the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs in Mexico, on Aug. 13, 1521, the documentary "499… 35994 Estableciendo relacion familiar


Nieto ilegitimo por los investigaciones de Diocesis de Guadalajar

Index to the Marriage Investigations of the Diocese of Guadalajara by Raul J. Guerra, Jr., Nadine M. Vasquez, Baldomero Vela, Jr. Page 134. #31-2.

On Friday, August 13, 2021, 09:27:43 AM MST, Jose Andres <> wrote:

Como se sabe que era el hijo ilegítimo del gobernador??

El El vie, 13 de agosto de 2021 a la(s) 0:48, ‘John Inclan’ via Genealogía de México – Genealogia-Mexico> escribió:

Hacienda de los Cavazos, Vallecillo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico

Don Jose-Manuel Cavazos-Sanchez, hijo adoptivio de Don Manuel Cavazos y Dona Maria-Rosa Sanchez-Cadena
En realdad, Don Jose Manuel Cavazos es el nieto ilegitimo de Gobernador Blas de la Garza Falcon y Sepulveda.

Don Jose-Manuel Cavazos-Sanchez se caso Agosto 12, 1749 en Sabinas Hidalgo con Luisa Laurel-Fernandez-Villarreal

Su hijo, Jose Antonio Cavazos-Fernandez se caso en Vallecillo Mayo 1, 1780 con Maria-de-los-Santos Mendiola-Chapa. Vuido el se caso en Vallecillo Febrero 02, 1809 con Maria-Josefa Mendiola-Gonzalez.
La hermana de Don Jose Antonio, Maria Rita Cavazos-Fernandez se caso en Sabinas Hidalgo, N.L Mayo 07, 1766 con Don Jose-Antonio Sandoval-Saenz, hijo de Don Vicente Sandoval-y-Mesa y Dona Maria-Inez Saenz-Salazar
Index to the Marriage Investigations of the Diocese of Guadalajara by Raul J. Guerra, Jr., Nadine M. Vasquez, Baldomero Vela, Jr. Page 134. #31-2.

Mis antespasados,
John Inclan

On Thursday, August 12, 2021, 09:18:07 PM MST, Leticia de los Santos <leticiadelos> wrote:

Si son segundo son primas hermana los Mendiola deben de ser hermanos Leticia de los Santos

Enviado desde mi iPhone

El 12 ago 2021, a la(s) 17:56, elise… <elisejasso> escribió:

Buen dia,

Les pido ayuda para entender la relacion familiar en el siguiente registro de matrimonio:

In 1809, Don Jose Antonio Cavazos Fernandez, viudo Maria de los Santos Mendiola (hija de Pedro Mendiola y Antonia Chapa, con quien caso en 1780) busca casarse con Maria Josefa Mendiola, hija de Miguel Mendiola y Dolores Gonzalez. Si estoy entendiendo bien, se re requirio una dispensa por haber «segundo parentezco de afinidad». Cual creen que era la relacion? Originalmente pense que Maria de los Santos y Maria Josefa eran primas o tia/sobrina, pero eso seria tercer grado y no segundo… Estoy un poco perdida

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Elise 35993 Estableciendo relacion familiar


Como se sabe que era el hijo ilegítimo del gobernador??

El El vie, 13 de agosto de 2021 a la(s) 0:48, ‘John Inclan’ via Genealogía de México – Genealogia-Mexico> escribió:

Hacienda de los Cavazos, Vallecillo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico

Don Jose-Manuel Cavazos-Sanchez, hijo adoptivio de Don Manuel Cavazos y Dona Maria-Rosa Sanchez-Cadena
En realdad, Don Jose Manuel Cavazos es el nieto ilegitimo de Gobernador Blas de la Garza Falcon y Sepulveda.

Don Jose-Manuel Cavazos-Sanchez se caso Agosto 12, 1749 en Sabinas Hidalgo con Luisa Laurel-Fernandez-Villarreal

Su hijo, Jose Antonio Cavazos-Fernandez se caso en Vallecillo Mayo 1, 1780 con Maria-de-los-Santos Mendiola-Chapa. Vuido el se caso en Vallecillo Febrero 02, 1809 con Maria-Josefa Mendiola-Gonzalez.
La hermana de Don Jose Antonio, Maria Rita Cavazos-Fernandez se caso en Sabinas Hidalgo, N.L Mayo 07, 1766 con Don Jose-Antonio Sandoval-Saenz, hijo de Don Vicente Sandoval-y-Mesa y Dona Maria-Inez Saenz-Salazar
Index to the Marriage Investigations of the Diocese of Guadalajara by Raul J. Guerra, Jr., Nadine M. Vasquez, Baldomero Vela, Jr. Page 134. #31-2.

Mis antespasados,
John Inclan

On Thursday, August 12, 2021, 09:18:07 PM MST, Leticia de los Santos <leticiadelos> wrote:

Si son segundo son primas hermana los Mendiola deben de ser hermanos Leticia de los Santos

Enviado desde mi iPhone

El 12 ago 2021, a la(s) 17:56, elise… <elisejasso> escribió:

Buen dia,

Les pido ayuda para entender la relacion familiar en el siguiente registro de matrimonio:

In 1809, Don Jose Antonio Cavazos Fernandez, viudo Maria de los Santos Mendiola (hija de Pedro Mendiola y Antonia Chapa, con quien caso en 1780) busca casarse con Maria Josefa Mendiola, hija de Miguel Mendiola y Dolores Gonzalez. Si estoy entendiendo bien, se re requirio una dispensa por haber "segundo parentezco de afinidad". Cual creen que era la relacion? Originalmente pense que Maria de los Santos y Maria Josefa eran primas o tia/sobrina, pero eso seria tercer grado y no segundo… Estoy un poco perdida

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